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Sumber/Source : http://weburbanist.com/2008/06/09/modern-wonders-of-green-technology/
Disain Arsitektur : Prototipe Sebuah Kota Terapung (1)
Lilypad Project
Lilypad didesign oleh Vincent sebagai antisipasi untuk tahun 2100 yang digambarkkan bahwa akan banyak sekali jumlah para pengungsi dunia akibat terjadinya pemanasan global. Dia mengemukakan bahwa prinsip Archimedes bahwa cairnya es tidak akan merubah peningkatan permukaan air. Sama halnya dengan mencairnya es di dalam air di gelas. Namun ada dua sumber air raksasa yang tidak berada diatas air yang akan mencair dan langsung menuju ke laut yang menyebabkan naiknyapermukaan air laut. Hal ini berhubungan dengan gunung es di Antartika dan Greenland disisi lain, serta benua es. Hal lain yang menyebabkan naiknya permukaan laut tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan mencairnya es, tetapi dilatasi air yang terjadi akibat pengaruh suhu udara.
Menurut ramalan GIEC (Intergovernmental group on the evolution of the climate), kenaikan permukaan laut akan mencapai 20 hingga 90 cm selama abad ke-21. Setiap kenaikan suhu 1°C akan mengakibatkan air naik 1 meter. Kenaikan air ini akan mempengaruhi 0.05% di Uruguay, 1% di Mesir, 6% di Belanda, 17.5% di Bangladesh dan lebih dari 80% di daerah atoll Majuro di Marshall dan pulau-pulau Kiribati hingga pulau-pulau di Maldives.
Negara-negara seperti Vietnam, Mesir, Bangladesh, Guyana atau Bahamas akan melihat tempat-tempat tinggal masyarakatnya kebanjiran dan genangan Lumpur air asin dari laut. New York, Bombay, Calcutta, Hô Chi Minh City, Shanghai, Miami, Lagos, Abidjan, Jakarta, Alexandria dan lebih dari 250 juta pengungsi dari negara lain akibat perubahan suhu udara.
Itulah sebabnya Lilypad, sebagai prototipe kota yang dibuat mengapung diatas air dan dapat menampung sebanyak 50.000 penduduk. Dan didalamnya dikembangkan kehidupan flora dan fauna disekitar danau dengan air yang ditampung dari air hujan.
Lilypad kota yang akrab dengan lingkungan dapat mengapung dari dari Monaco di Eropa hingga ke daerah bagian Atol Polenesia.
Desain yang sangat modern dalam antisipasi pengungsi akibat pemanasan global. Inspirasi dari daun lilypad Amazonia Victoria Regia, dari keluarga Nympheas, tanaman air yang ditemukan oleh ahli tanaman Jerman Thaddeaus Haenke.
Lilypad kota lingkungan yang mengapung dengan zero emisi udara. Melalui teknologi energi dari matahari (solar), angin, gelombang laut dan biomass. Bahkan dapat memperoses gas CO2 di adalam atmosfer dan meresap ke kulitnya yang terbuat dari titanium dioxide.
(Klik disini untuk melihar gambar/ Click here to see images)
2100, A Large Crowd of Ecological Refugees
Further to the anthropogenic activity, the climate warms up and the ocean level increases. According to the principle of Archimedes and contrary to preconceived notions, the melting of the arctic ice-floe will not change the rising of the water exactly as an ice cube melting in a glass of water does not make its level rise. However, there are two huge ice reservoirs that are not on the water and whose melting will transfer their volume towards the oceans, leading to their rising. It deals with the ice caps of Antarctic and Greenland on the one hand, and the continental glaciers on the other hand. Another reason of the ocean rising, that does not have anything to do with the ice melting is the water dilatation under the effect of the temperature.
According to the less alarming forecasts of the GIEC (Intergovernmental group on the evolution of the climate), the ocean level should rise from 20 to 90 cm during the 21st Century with a status quo by 50 cm (versus 10 cm in the 20th Century). The international scientific scene assets that a temperature elevation of 1°C will lead to a water rising of 1 meter. This increase of 1 m would bring ground losses emerged of approximately 0.05% in Uruguay, 1% in Egypt, 6% in the Netherlands, 17.5% in Bangladesh and up to 80% approximately in the atoll Majuro in Oceania (Marshall and Kiribati islands and step by step the Maldives islands).
If the first meter is not very funny with more than 50 million of people affected in the developing countries, the situation is worse with the second one. Countries like Vietnam, Egypt, Bangladesh, Guyana or Bahamas will see their most inhabited places swamped at each flood and their most fertile fields devastated by the invasion of salt water damaging the local ecosystems. New York, Bombay, Calcutta, Hô Chi Minh City, Shanghai, Miami, Lagos, Abidjan, Djakarta, Alexandria… not les that 250 million of climatic refugees and 9% of the GDP threatened if we not build protections related to such a threat. It is the demonstration inflicted to reluctant spirits by a climatological study of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and that challenges our imagination of eco-conception!
The water rising being not written in the agenda of the Grenelle agreements on environment in France, it is primordial in terms of environmental crisis and climatic exodus to pass from now on from a strategy of reaction in emergency to a strategy of a adaptation and long-lasting anticipation. It is surprising, whereas some islands prepare their disappearing to see that the management of the rising of the ocean level does not seem to worry the governments beyond measure. More surprising to see that the populations of the developed countries continue to rush on the littoral to build districts over there; houses and buildings dedicated to a certain flood.
Lilypad, A Prototype of Auto-Sufficient Amphibious City
Whereas the Netherlands and the United Arabic Emirates « fatten » their beach with billion of euros to build their short-living polders and their protective dams for a decade, the project «Lilypad» deals with a tenable solution to the water rising! Actually, facing the worldwide ecological crisis, this floating Ecopolis has the double objective not only to widen sustainabely in offshore the territories of the most developed countries such as the Monaco principality but above all to grant the housing of future climatic refugees of he next submerged ultra-marine territories such as the Polynesian atolls. New biotechnological prototype of ecologic resilience dedicated to the nomadism and the urban ecology in the sea, Lilypad travels on the water line of the oceans, from the equator to the poles following the marine streams warm ascending of the Gulf Stream or cold descending of the Labrador.
It is a true amphibian half aquatic and half terrestrial city, able to accommodate 50,000 inhabitants and inviting the biodiversity to develop its fauna and flora around a central lagoon of soft water collecting and purifying the rain waters. This artificial lagoon is entirely immersed ballasting thus the city. It enables to live in the heart of the subaquatic depths. The multifunctional programming is based on three marinas and three mountains dedicated respectively to the work, the shops and the entertainments. The whole set is covered by a stratum of planted housing in suspended gardens and crossed by a network of streets and alleyways with organic outline. The goal is to create a harmonious coexistence of the couple Human / Nature and to explore new modes of living the sea by building with fluidity collective spaces in proximity, overwhelming spaces of social inclusion suitable to the meeting of all the inhabitants – denizen or foreign-born, recent or old, young or aged people.
The floating structure in « branches » of the Ecopolis is directly inspired of the highly ribbed leave of the great lilypad of Amazonia Victoria Regia increased 250 times. Coming from the family of Nympheas, this aquatic plant with exceptional plasticity was discovered by the German botanist Thaddeaus Haenke and dedicated to the Queen Victoria of England in the 19th Century. The double skin is made of polyester fibres covered by a layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2) like an anatase which by reacting to the ultraviolet rays enable to absorb the atmospheric pollution by photocatalytic effect. Entirely autosufficient, Lilypad takes up the four main challenges launched by the OECD in March 2008: climate, biodiversity, water and health. It reached a positive energetic balance with zero carbone emission by the integration of all the renewable energies (solar, thermal and photovoltaic energies, wind energy, hydraulic, tidal power station, osmotic energies, phytopurification, biomass) producing thus durably more energy that it consumes! True biotope entirely recyclable, this floating Ecopolis tends thus towards the positive eco-accountancy of the building in the oceanic ecosystems by producing and softening itself the oxygen and the electricity, by recycling the CO2 and the waste, by purifying and softening biologically the used waters and by integrating ecological niches, aquaculture fields and biotic corridors on and under its body to meet its own food needs.
To reply to the mutation of the migratory flows coming from the hydroclimatic factors, Lilypad join thus on the mode of anticipation particular to the Jules Verne’s literature, the alternative possibility of a multicultural floating Ecopolis whose metabolism would be in perfect symbiosis with the cycles of the nature. It will be one of the major challenges of the 21st Century to create an international convention inventing new special means to accommodate the environmental migrants by recognizing their rights and obligations. Political and social challenge, the urban sustainable development must more than ever enter in resonance worldly with the human sustainable development!
(Klik disini untuk melihar gambar/ Click here to see images)
Dynamic Architecture 4 : A NEW ERA OF GREEN BUILDING
The Dynamic Tower, the world's first building in motion, takes the concept of green buildings to the next level were it will generate electricity for itself as well as other nearby buildings, making it the first skyscraper designed to be self powered.
The building generates electricity from wind turbines mounted horizontally between each floor, eighty story building will have up to seventy nine wind turbines, making it a true green power plant while traditional vertical wind turbines have some environmental negative impact, including obstruction of views and the need for roads to build and maintain them, the Dynamic Tower's wind turbines are practically invisible and extremely quiet due to their special shape and the carbon fibre material they are made of.
Another environmentally green element of the Dynamic Tower is the photovoltaic cells that will be placed on the roof of each rotating floor to produce solar energy, approximately 20% of each roof will be exposed to the sun, so a building that has 80 roofs will equal the roofing space of 10 similar size buildings.
In addition, natural and recyclable materials including stone, marble, glass and wood will be used for the interior finishing.
To further improve the energy efficiency of the Dynamic Tower, insulated glass and structural insulating panels will be employed.
Energy will also be saved during construction, which involves pre-fabricating individual units in a factory, this Fisher Method not only reduces construction time, but it also results in a cleaner construction site with limited noise, dust, fumes and waste, the shorter building time also results in a less energy consumption than traditional construction methods.
Go to next related article: Dynamic Architecture 4 : A NEW ERA OF GREEN BUILDING
Dynamic Architecture 3 : PREFABRICATION
Dr. David Fisher's revolutionary Dynamic Tower, the first building in motion which is the first skyscraper to be entirely assembled in a factory from prefabricated parts, factory made buildings will offers the advantages of any modern industrial product, it saves energy, reduces construction time and dramatically cuts building costs.
The prefabricated units arrive at the building site ready for quick and efficient installation, this approach known as the Fisher Method also requires far less workers on the construction site than traditional traditionally, In fact each floor of the building can be completed in only seven days, units can also be customized according to the owners' needs and styles.
Each individual unit will be completely finished at the Factory and exported worldwide, it will be equipped with all necessary plumbing and electric systems including all finishing from flooring to ceilings, bathrooms, kitchens,...
The preassembled units are simply hooked to each other mechanically, this results in environmentally clean construction sites, avoiding unloading of materials, waste, noise and pollution, there will be less risk of accidents to construction workers, and construction time will be reduced by over 30 percent. due to their particular construction method, prefabricated buildings will also be easy to maintain and repair, the building's maintenance facility, type of materials used, and the quality control employed will also make them more durable than any traditional structure.
Since the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids not much has changed in the world of building construction, workers placed a stone on top of another, and brick on top of brick, in 1889, the use of steel was introduced into construction for the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and beginning in 1905 reinforced concrete was used, with the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1780, products began to be made in factories using industrial methods, but today buildings are still done on site as they were 4,000 years ago.
“Almost every product used today is the result of an industrial process and can be transported around the world, from cars and boats to computers and clothing, factories are chosen for their ready access to materials, production technology, inexpensive labour, efficiency, and other conditions that result in high quality at a relatively low cost,” Dr. Fisher noted.
“It is unbelievable that real estate and construction which is the leading sector of the world economy, is also the most primitive, for example most workers throughout the world still regularly use trowels that was first used by the Egyptians and then by the Romans, buildings should not be different than any other product, and from now on they will be manufactured in a production facility,” Dr. Fisher stated.
The Dynamic Tower represents the future of architecture, resulting in a new era of living that will benefit both man and nature.
Renowned Italian architect Dr. David Fisher is the creator of the Dynamic Tower, a building in motion. He has spent more than 30 years working to redefine the technical and technological extremes of buildings in cities like London, New York, Moscow, Hong Kong, Paris and Dubai, he graduated with honors from the University of Florence where later he served as a professor of architecture and structural engineering.
Fisher is the creator of the world's first building in motion, the Dynamic Tower heralds a new era of architecture buildings in motion that will challenge traditional architecture to become the symbol of a new philosophy that will change the look of our cities and the concept of urban living.
Dynamic Architecture 2 : A BUILDING IN MOTION
Visionary architect Dr. David Fisher is the creator of the revolutionary Dynamic Tower, the world's first building in motion. The Dynamic Tower heralds a new era of architecture: Buildings in motion will challenge traditional architecture, becoming the symbol of a new philosophy that will change the look of our cities and the concept of living.
The Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving shape that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time.
The Dynamic Tower is environmentally friendly, with the ability to generate electricity for itself as well as other buildings nearby making it the first building designed to be self-powered, it achieves this feat with wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor. An 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.
The Dynamic Tower is also the first skyscraper to be built entirely from prefabricated parts that are custom made in a workshop, resulting of fast construction and of substantial cost savings . this approach known as the Fisher Method, also requires far less workers on construction site while each floor of the building can be completed in only seven days, units can also be customized according to the owners needs and styles.
Dr. Fisher states, “Today's life is dynamic, so the space we are living in should be dynamic as well, adjustable to our needs that change continuously, to our concept of design and to our mood, buildings will follow the rhythms of nature, they will change direction and shape from spring to summer, from sunrise to sunset, and adjust themselves to the weather, buildings will be alive.
“From now on, buildings will have four dimensions, the fourth dimension is ‘Time' to become part of architecture,” Dr. Fisher added. “Buildings in motion will shape the sky line of our cities.
By combining motion, green energy and efficient construction, the Dynamic Tower will change architecture as we know it, and will start a new era of Dynamic Living.
Go to next related article: Dynamic Architecture 3: PREFABRICATION
The Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving shape that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time.
The Dynamic Tower is environmentally friendly, with the ability to generate electricity for itself as well as other buildings nearby making it the first building designed to be self-powered, it achieves this feat with wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor. An 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.
The Dynamic Tower is also the first skyscraper to be built entirely from prefabricated parts that are custom made in a workshop, resulting of fast construction and of substantial cost savings . this approach known as the Fisher Method, also requires far less workers on construction site while each floor of the building can be completed in only seven days, units can also be customized according to the owners needs and styles.
Dr. Fisher states, “Today's life is dynamic, so the space we are living in should be dynamic as well, adjustable to our needs that change continuously, to our concept of design and to our mood, buildings will follow the rhythms of nature, they will change direction and shape from spring to summer, from sunrise to sunset, and adjust themselves to the weather, buildings will be alive.
“From now on, buildings will have four dimensions, the fourth dimension is ‘Time' to become part of architecture,” Dr. Fisher added. “Buildings in motion will shape the sky line of our cities.
By combining motion, green energy and efficient construction, the Dynamic Tower will change architecture as we know it, and will start a new era of Dynamic Living.
Go to next related article: Dynamic Architecture 3: PREFABRICATION
Dynamic Architecture 1 : DYNAMIC TOWER | DUBAI
The Dynamic Tower in Dubai is the first Building in Motion to be constructed in the world, and it will herald a new era of architecture and become a symbol of Dubai, the city of the future.
(Dynamic Tower, Dubai, adalah bangunan pertama di dunia yang dapat "bergerak", dijuluki sebagai arsitektur era baru serta menjadi simbol kota Dubai sebagai kota masa depan.)
The developer is Rotating Tower Dubai Development Limited of Dynamic Group.
(Pengembang dalam proyek ini adalah Rotating Tower Dubai Development Limited Group Dynamic.)
Created by revolutionary architect Dr. David Fisher, the mixed use Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving structure that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time.
(Disain bangunan ini ditangani oleh seorang arsitek revolusioner bernama Dr. David Fisher. Ia mengatakan bahwa Dynamic Tower menawarkan kemungkinan desain tanpa batas, dimana masing-masing lantainya dapat berputar dengan bebas dengan arah yang berbeda-beda, sehingga menghasilkan bentuk fasade dan struktur yang unik. Dengan kemampuan ini Dynamic Tower mencoba untuk memperkenalkan kepada kita apa yang disebut dengan arsitektur "empat dimensi".)
The Dynamic Tower in Dubai will have 80 floors, and will be 420 meters (1,380 feet) tall, Apartments will range in size from 124 square meters (1,330 square feet), to Villas of 1,200 square meters (12,900 square feet) complete with a parking space inside the apartment. the first 20 floors will be an offices, floors 21 to 35 will be a luxury hotel, floor 36 through 70 will be residential apartments, and the top 10 floors will be luxury villas located in a prime location in Dubai, it is destined to become the most prestigious building in the city.
(Dynamic Tower Dubai nantinya akan memiliki 80 lantai, dengan tinggi 420 meter (1,380 kaki), luas unit apartemen 124 m2, luas unit vila 1200 m2, dilengkapi dengan lantai parkir. 20 lantai pertama diperuntukan sebagai ruangan kantor, lantai 21 sampai 35 menjadi sebuah hotel, lantai 36 hingga 70 sebagai apartemen, dan 10 lantai tertinggi akan dipergunakan menjadi vila.)
The Dynamic Tower in Dubai will be the first skyscraper to be entirely constructed in a factory from prefabricated parts, it will require only 600 people in the assembly facility and 80 technicians on the construction site instead of 2,000 workers on a similar size traditional construction site, Construction is scheduled to be completed by 2010.
(Dynamic Tower Dubai juga akan menjadi pencakar langit pertama yang seluruh bagian bangunannya akan dirakit di dalam suatu pabrik, pelaksanaannya hanya memerlukan 600 orang tenaga kerja lapangan dan 80 teknisi di lokasi konstruksi (sebanding dengan 2,000 pekerja pada ukuran yang sama secara tradisional). Bangunan diperkirakan akan selesai pada tahun 2010.)
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum ruler of Dubai and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates, is considered by many to be a true visionary of the future, Dr. Fisher's dreams for the Dynamic Tower in Dubai were inspired by His Highness who said “Do not wait for the future to come to you…face the future.”
(Dr. Fisher mengatakan bahwa ide disain Dynamic Tower Dubai terinspirasi oleh kata-kata Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, penguasa Dubai dan Wakil Presiden United Arab Emirates, yang mengatakan “Jangan menantikan masa depan datang kepada anda, tetapi andalah yang harus berjalan menghadapi masa depan.”
Rotating Tower Dubai
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- Disain Arsitektur : Prototipe Sebuah Kota Terapung...
- Dynamic Architecture 4 : A NEW ERA OF GREEN BUILDING
- Dynamic Architecture 3 : PREFABRICATION
- Dynamic Architecture 2 : A BUILDING IN MOTION
- Dynamic Architecture 1 : DYNAMIC TOWER | DUBAI